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Check out Amazon tablets for streaming your favourite shows, reading eBooks and getting some work done on the go. With a sleek design and vibrant colours, they'll have you sorted with features that make them great for everyone in the family. Whether you’re a kid or just a kid at heart, we have an Amazon tablet that’s right for you.
The Amazon Fire 7 is an excellent entertainment tablet that supports popular apps and services. With their 7-inch screens, they're super light and easy to carry around. If you want a bigger screen, check out the Fire HD 8 featuring an 8-inch display that you can use for watching movies or surfing the web. If you want all day entertainment, the Fire HD 10 is the way to go. With Alexa built right into these tablets, you can control your smart home, jam out to your favourite music and get answers to burning questions—just by asking.
We also have Amazon tablets for kids from age three all the way up to 12 years. The easy-to-use parental controls on these tablets offer peace of mind. Kids can request content such as games and eBooks from a digital shop, and you can approve purchases and downloads. You can also add access to apps like Minecraft and Zoom. Even better, enjoy a one-year subscription to Amazon Kids+ with thousands of age-appropriate apps, games, books, videos, songs and Audible books.