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Garden Forks, Spades and Rakes
Garden Forks, Spades and RakesSign in or register to save items to your account. Simply tap the heart again to remove.
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It's difficult to do any gardening job without the right tools and there are a few absolute essentials that any gardener will need in their kit - so be sure to take a look at our brilliant range of garden forks, spades and rakes. Sturdy spares are ideal for breaking up large chunks of soil - and you'll also find digging forks if you want to prepare the ground for a brand-new flower bed. Our soil rakes will ensure the topsoil is ready for seeds - and when it comes to tackling fallen leaves, our lawn rakes are the way to go. Shop our full selection for leading brands like McGregor and Speak & Jackson - and we've even got you covered with great value sets if you're kitting out your gardening tool kit from scratch.
Don't forget that you'll need a trowel too - one of these is a must for more delicate tasks like repotting or planting bulbs. And you've come to the right place for a fantastic choice of garden power tools as well - consider one of our strimmers to tackle overgrown grass before you can go in with the lawnmower. If you have a large lawn or one that features steeper hills and slopes, a powerful petrol lawnmower is a brilliant choice.
And how about our selection of garden shredders? Their powerful crushing action will turn garden waste into manageable chippings or mulch which you can then add use for compost. A composter is the perfect place for things like eggshells, tea leaves and vegetable peelings too.