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Light Switches and Plug Sockets
Light Switches and Plug SocketsSign in or register to save items to your account. Simply tap the heart again to remove.
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Light switches and plug sockets are a must to keep your home running smoothly as you and your family go about daily life. We offer everything from power supplies and chargers to cable detectors and test meters. Take a look through our range and you 're sure to find exactly what you need.
Don 't run out of juice. Powers adapters are ideal to have around the home for your battery-powered items including laptops, tablets and mobile phones. Some options enable you to keep your USB devices up and running while leaving the plug socket free for other electrical applications.
Got some DIY work on the cards? If you want to get it done and dusted as efficiently as possible, then you 'll need to be prepared - and you won 't get too far without some essential DIY tools and accessories. It 's always a good idea to have extension leads on hand. These give you much needed flexibility and with the variety of cable lengths we have available. You 'll be able to head out into the garden to enjoy some sunshine while you 're on the tools.
Speaking of tools, some absolute staples include the trusty screwdriver. Screwdriver sets are a great option to make sure you 've always got one to suit the task at hand, whether you 're changing up your décor and tackling a flat-pack wardrobe, or you 've got some new light switches. And for those instances when the lights go out, torches are invaluable during a power cut, or even just taking the dog for a walk in the find the one for you.