Single Air Beds
Single Air BedsSign in or register to save items to your account. Simply tap the heart again to remove.
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Whether you are camping solo, with friends or with little ones, you may need a single air bed. They are compact and comfy. And they’re handy for guests staying at home too. They store away nicely, ready for when you need them next.
They act as single blow up mattresses and, accompanied with the right bedding, can provide a great night’s sleep. To make inflating and deflating easier, plump for a single airbed with built in pump.
If you find sleeping at ground level difficult because you suffer from minor aches and pains or for any other reason, our camp beds will do just the job. They mean you can sleep in an elevated position, making it easier to get in and out of bed.
As if camping isn’t exciting enough for tots, you could always treat them to a fun character-themed kids sleeping bag. Or, for slightly older children, an envelope style sleeping bag will have them as snug as a bug.
Our range of tents is extensive. Whatever size you need – whether it’s for two people or eight – and whatever your preferred style, we have a plethora available. So, dome, tunnel or tipi style, you’re covered.