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Electric Vehicle Charging Cables
Electric Vehicle Charging CablesSign in or register to save items to your account. Simply tap the heart again to remove.
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Have a look at our range of electric vehicle charging cables to keep your cars topped up and ready to go the distance. They’re not merely accessories but essentials for your EV and with our range of cables suitable for different charging points and connector types, keeping your car juiced up has never been easier.
Select from different connector types like Type 1, Type 2, CCS and CHAdeMO. Make sure to check which cables are compatible with your car to make sure you get the right fit. Go the extra mile with our car battery chargers to prevent those untimely power lapses and keep your vehicle ready to take you wherever you need to go.
Now that you’ve got your car and its battery juiced up, make sure your devices stay fully powered on the go with a car phone charger. Whether you’re navigating through unfamiliar areas, making calls or just playing some tunes, these will make sure your phone is always ready for action. And to make it even easier, pair it with a car phone holder from our selection for a secure and visible spot for your mobile device, making navigation and communication safe and hassle-free.
Keeping your tyres in prime condition means making every drive safe and efficient—with our car tyre pumps, you can make sure your wheels are always in top shape for a smooth and safe ride, every time. And for those fixer uppers and routine maintenance, our assortment of car tools, has got everything your car needs to hit the road, hitch-free.
If your car doesn’t have a built-in infotainment screen or wireless capabilities, simply plug in one of our Bluetooth car kits to pair your phone for uninterrupted connectivity throughout your journey.