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When it comes to sports which offer true full-body conditioning, improving your strength while at the same time boosting your agility and focusing your mind, you just can't beat boxing and martial arts. These disciplines demand real dedication, but the rewards are just as great and with our comprehensive boxing and martial arts range, you'll have everything you could possibly need to hone your skills. From head guards to hand wraps, boxing pads and everything in-between, we've got you covered.
Boxing Equipment
Why not invest in a great quality pair of Adidas boxing gloves designed with speed and performance in mind? Our Venum boxing gloves feature triple density foam for unrivalled shock absorbance - and check out our Everlast boxing glovestoo. If you are a new starter, and what kit to invest in, then check out our boxing equipment for beginners.
Kickboxing, Taekwondo and Martial Arts
A punching bag is a brilliant way to work on your hooks and jabs and build strength when training, and whether you go for one of our Everlast punching bags or our RDX punching bags, you'll be sure to improve your strength, balance and co-ordination with our freestanding and hanging punchbags.