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Wearable Weights
Wearable WeightsSign in or register to save items to your account. Simply tap the heart again to remove.
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Take your workouts up a level with our range of wearable weights. Body weights are ultra-practical and convenient to use, designed to enable you to get a little more out of your current workout regimen by introducing extra resistance that'll help you tone up and gain strength. You might choose to wear a weighted vest while you're doing your usual cardio session on the treadmill; it's a sure-fire way to burn some extra calories.
Different types of wearable weights
There are many ways to incorporate wearable weights in to your workouts; what’s even better is you can directly target particular areas you wish to work on with specific body weights; choose from ankle weights to get your thigs and legs working with a focus on your lower body whilst wrist weights will target your shoulders and arms and weight vests will encourage an intensified and targeted ab workout that you can feel and eventually see the results of the benefits that come with adding wearable weights to your exercise routines.
More weight training equipment and accessories
When it comes to strength training, we've got you covered. How about one of our barbells? These are just the thing for compound moves such as squats and deadlifts. Or you could always go for kettlebells; hold one in each hand while you're doing some walking lunges.
Check out our range of quality medicine balls as well; seriously versatile, you can incorporate one of these into all sorts of exercises.
Cardio is key too and you're in the right place for an array of exercise machines, including treadmills if you're running regular and you want to enjoy working out at home. On a bit of a budget? You can't beat skipping ropes for getting your heart pumping.
When it comes to home gym set up ideas, we’ll have you covered with lots of neat tips and tricks. Make your core workouts more rigorous by strapping on some wearable weights or check out our dumbbells if you’re looking for something versatile—we’ve got your back with everything you’ll need to kit out your personal fitness room. If you're kitting out your home gym, be sure to get yourself some exercise mats for those all-important floor exercises.