Sport Relief 2020 is over

It's been another great year.
Where does the money raised go?
When you donate to Sport Relief, you’re investing in local organisations across the UK and around the world who are helping people living incredibly tough lives. Through their dedication, they offer support through 4 main missions:

Improve mental health support
Every year, 450 million people worldwide experience mental health problems, and the discrimination that comes with them. Sport Relief help to make sure they get the support and empathy they need.

Ensure people have a safe place to be
1 in 5 people around the world don't have adequate shelter. Day by day, person by person Sport Relief work to ensure people have a safe place to call home.

Help children to survive and thrive
Every year, millions of children die before their fifth birthday, or grow up in poverty and neglect. Sport Relief help child after child survive and grow.

Reduce fear, violence and discrimination
The idea that some of us are worth less because of our gender leads to real violence, abuse and discrimination. Sports Relief help to create a world with less judgement and fear where people can take control of their lives.
Get active
If you're feeling inspired to join in or get healthier, view our range of sports equipment, workouts and inspiration to start you on your fitness journey.