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About this product
Vax Pet Stain & Odour Remover's fast-acting formula effortlessly breaks down pet stains & odour. The Pet Stain & Odour Remover will loosen up stubborn pet stains & embedded dirt. Therefore for best results follow up pre-treatment by washing as normal with your Vax Carpet Washer or Spot Washer. Perfect for use in homes with pet. Removes pet stains including urine, vomit, faeces, food, tracked in dirt & mud. Neutralises pet odours. Tested independently by the Wool Safe Organisation & approved for use on all wet-cleanable fibres including wool.
1 bottle containing 1 litre.
Suitable for use with Pre-treatment solution. Use on carpets/upholstery before using Vax Carpet Washer or Spot Washer.
EAN: 5012512175621.
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*Prices correct as displayed but are subject to change.
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