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About this product
You will be the envy of all your friends with our outdoor slouchbag beanbag. The millions of beans inside this adult beanbag will mould to the users shape creating a snug beanbag chair that will keep you comfy for hours. Our lightweight bean bags are the perfect solution to your garden comfort, use in your conservatory then move to your patio or garden with ease. Available in a vibrant colour range, our beanbags are made using durable, water resistant and UV resistant fabric and can be wiped clean - ideal for any busy family or outdoor event.
Made from polyester.
Size H110, W80, D80cm.
Machine washable at 30C.
BS5852 Fire Retardent Beanbag Cover and Filling.
General information:
EAN: 7081447929591.
The small print
*Prices correct as displayed but are subject to change.
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