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About this product
Sleep easy. Filled with 100% recycled polyester fibres that have been specially treated to fight off dust mites and bacteria, this 10.5 tog duvet is perfect all year round.
Filled with 100% recycled polyester. While this duvet is machine washable, we recommend you take it to a professional laundry service for a more thorough clean. Approved by Allergy UK.
Double duvet.
10.5 tog duvet.
Cover made from 100% polyester.
Filling made from 100% recycled polyester.
Size L200, W200cm.
Machine washable.
Suitable for tumble drying.
Contains a biocide to help protect against bacteria and dust mite allergens. Active substance: Dimethyloctadecyl[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]ammonium chloride.
The small print
*Prices correct as displayed but are subject to change.
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